For those lucky people that are about to get their tax
refunds, did you know that
your birth order influences
how you see money and use it?
Many couples have
different ideas about money
and some feel this issue
can lead to difficulties in a
marriage. Your birth order
can explain your behavior.
Basic Birth Orders
The basic birth orders are
the Only without siblings,
the firstborn, second born, third
born and fourth born.
After number four the series
starts over again. Each
birth order has their own
view about money and how
it should be used. This does
not mean that you have
no choice in the matter as
each birth order has both
positive and
negative behavior patterns, see
is yours.
The Only
This person mimics his parents
and is the only birth
order without siblings. If he was indulged by his
parents and given anything he
wanted then a person
with this birth order may buy
jewelry clothes or art
work. Anything for himself,
as this type of Only
would not want to share. The
positive Only would
be buying books, his first
friend, or maybe theater
tickets for himself and a
companion to share in his
The firstborn can be very
frugal with money and save
it for their retirement or save
it for their grandchildren.
Money can be used as power
over others so by giving
gifts they feel more
powerful. They feel the burden of
leading the family and want to
be an example for the
younger siblings. The other type of firstborn would
want to flaunt their power
and may use the money to
throw a lavish party in their
home to show others how
successful and powerful they
have become.
Second Born
The second born uses money to
protect themselves
from not being told what to
do. Some of the most
successful people are second
borns like Bill Gates
and Warren Buffett. If positive, they will invest this
tax refund to further grow
their nest egg. If negative,
they may go on an adventure
trip where they would
much off the beaten track.
Third Born
This birth order doesn’t care
about power or money
they see the human
condition and the beauty of nature.
Their senses are very
developed and they want to
understand and “Feel” life at
every level. On a positive
note they may give their
refund to the church, make a
donation to a worthy cause,
or help a poor street person.
If negative they may throw a
party where drugs and
alcohol are in abundance, or
go to a rock concert.
Fourth Born
This is the baby in the birth
order series and they may
want to seek advice from an
older sibling as to what to
do with the money. They would
tell them to save it for
the future as the older
sibling will not always be there
to help them. Of course, they
may not listen and just
want to have a good time with
their friends. A party
barge would be a great place
for a good time.
The Choice is Yours
Every birth order has a
special way to look at money.
They have a choice that is
positive or negative and that
is why even the same birth
order appear different. Which
behavior will be yours and
will you have a conflict with
your spouse if a Tax refund
For more information on Your
Birth Order contact
Dr. Robert V.V. Hurst through
the website or buy his book
Life’s Fingerprint: How Birth
Order Affect Your Path
Throughout Life.