The multi-millionaire
firstborn son of the real-estate developer
Seymour Durst has been a suspect
to the disappearance of his
wife Kathleen and linked
to the death of Susan Berman
daughter of a mafia boss. He was
arrested in Galveston Texas
after body parts of his elderly
neighbor were found in the Bay.
He was acquitted of his murder. Cross
dressing, shop lifting
and urinating in public are
but a few of the obvious signs of
his anti-social behavior.
Sibling Rivalry
Sibling rivalry is a
natural occurrence especially between the
first two siblings. This happens in nature all the time, the
born being stronger pushes
the younger siblings aside to get
more of the food. Be they
birds, foxes, or humans, moving to
the top or defending your position
on the “throne” is a never
ending job. When the first born comes
into the world he has
no competition and little
understanding of the fight that is
about to come when the second
sibling arrives. If he loses
this fight and his position, he may
completely drop out. Many
times there is no competition and usually is
the result of
gender. Oldest boy with younger sister is an example.
the genders are the same more rivalry is possible. The
tells the story of the brothers Cain and Able the first to
this natural rivalry to the next level, murder!
Early Years
Robert was born in 1943 #1
Douglas 1944
Wendy Susan 1947 #3
Thomas Gregory 1950 #4
There is less than 2 years
between the first two boys. When
Robert was 7 their mother
died falling from the roof of their
home, a possible suicide
in 1950. Robert said he witnessed this
but others deny he did. Seymour, his father, never remarried
so it is safe to assume
the children had plenty of time to sort
things out themselves with
hired help doing much of the
parenting. It is the interaction between siblings that
for much of a child’s
personality development.
Rivalry Issues
As the boys grew up it was
obvious to all that they were acting
out or going beyond simple
sibling rivalry. The same year their
mother died Robert shoved
his brother Douglas onto the ice
at a skating rink and
broke his wrist. This was just the beginning
as fights were always
breaking out between them. His father
sought the advice of
counselors to help solve the problem.
Douglas remembers fighting
with Robert until an incident when
he was 14yrs old and he
was now bigger than Robert. That he
says was their last
physical fight. Robert seemed to drop out,
his high school year book
shows only his picture with no
mention of extracurricular
Adults Rivalry Continues
The boys finished college
and took positions in their
father’s real-estate
company. In college Robert took
a counter cultural path. Drugs and meditation
his interests. He did come
back and take a position with
the company and at times
could be very charming, and
a seemingly normal person.
There was always tension in
the office between the
boys. Douglas kept a piece of pipe
on his desk as Robert kept
a sharpened plumber’s wrench.
It was in 1994 after a
number of incidents at the office
where Robert had urinated
in his brother’s and uncles
waste baskets that the
family decided to have Douglas
succeed Seymour as the
head of the family business.
Robert knew what was about
to happened and had moved
out of the office. He never
showed up for the meeting that
would officially dethrone
A Continuing Problem
Both of Robert’s brothers
fear for their lives as Robert said,
“I have a score to settle”. They have both given the police
evidence of his stalking
their homes. This expression of
sibling rivalry rising to
the level of pathology can happen.
A little competition
between siblings is good as it prepares
them for life in the real
world. Unresolved dethroning
of a firstborn can be
lethal to everyone.
For more information on
Birth order and its ability to
Unmask personalities you
can find the information in my
book, Life’s Fingerprint: How Birth Order Affects Your Path
Throughout Life, by Dr. Robert V.V. Hurst or go to my website