Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tim Kaine and Mike Pence: Their Birth Orders

      Tim Kaine                                     Mike Pence

The 2016 Presidential campaign is well under way and
both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have picked their
Vice Presidential running mates.  Picking a running mate
in politics is not much different than picking a marriage
partner. You first have to have chemistry, then you become
more rational and look at their other qualities. The analysts
try to look deeper into the reason for the selection. They look
at demographics, their stands on various issues, how they
mesh with the Presidential candidate.  This helps fill up the
time and may even bring in a few viewers. However, If you
understand birth order you know that it’s none of those
things, it is “love at first sight.”

Two Types of Love at First Sight
The first type is when you find someone of your same birth 
order. You are twins in more ways than one. You tend to 
think the same way and that makes you feel good.  The 
problem is that only one of you is the “Top Dog,” you both 
can’t fill The same shoes. Not a problem for President and
Vice President. The second kind of “love at first sight” is a 
person that matches the birth order of one of your siblings.   
You grew up with this person so you understand their specific 
birth order. This becomes a very easy relationship, more like 
a family with each person playing a different role.

Runnings Mates from the Past: Evidence
Ronald Reagan a #2  Picked George H.W. Bush a #2 
(Both had older brothers)
George H.W. Bush #2 Picked Dan Quayle a #1
(Matched George’s older brother)
George W. Bush #1/0 Picked Dick Cheney a #1 
(Matching birth orders)
Mitt Romney a #4/0 Picked  Paul Ryan a #4/0  
(Both matched birth orders)
Bill Clinton an #0/1 Picked  Al Gore an  #0/2 
(Gore had the same birth order as Roger Clinton )
Barack Obama a #1/0 Picked Joe Biden a #1
(Both had the firstborn birth order)

Hillary’s pick: Tim Kaine
Tim Kaine is a #1 birth order the same as Hillary.
Hillary had two younger brothers exactly the same as
Tim Kaine.  As firstborns they both want to be in charge
and lead the way. Firstborns have a lot of trouble ever
admitting they are wrong. Hillary had to fight harder to
hold her position with younger brothers.  Tim had the
luxury of holding his position easily being a very good
student. All birth orders have two sides and he shows
the softer side of the #1 birth order. He gets his control
by helping others.  Doing missionary work in Honduras
had a great impact on his life.

Trump’s Pick: Mike Pence
Mike Pence comes from a family of six children.  Mike is
the Third born with two older brothers and one younger.
It was difficult for Trump to match his #1/4 birth order.
Mike does have a #1 brother and a #4 brother making it
easier for him to understand  Donald. In Mike, Donald
matched a sibling in his family.  His sister Elizabeth, she is
the third sibling. Mike almost matches with her. She is 4yrs
older than Donald giving her a #3/0 double birth order. This
is the other type of “love at first sight.” As a Third born Mike
would see the world globally. The saying “laughing on the
outside crying on the inside” is a Third born. They protect
their sensitive side so you don’t always see what you get.
They care about others and can really “feel your pain.”  When
Pence was a high school student he helped twin boys with
muscular dystrophy. Third born Mike would see Politics as
a way to change the world.  He also underwent a spiritual
transformation in college. At one time in his life he was
thinking about the Priesthood. This is not unusual for the
Third born.

Future Debate
There will be a debate between these two men.  I am sure
It will be as interesting as the debates to come between Hillary
and Trump, two more people with very different birth orders.
For more information on both Hillary Clinton and Donald
Trump see their blogs on this site.  For even more information
on birth orders see my book: Life’s Fingerprint: How Birth Order
Affects Your Path Through Life, by Dr. Robert V.V. Hurst.
Visit our website: www.mybirthorder.com