Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Can Birth Order Predict a Successful Marriage?



Some psychologists think that birth order has the answer and they may be correct. The problem is, they make the solution look too simple. This will cause them to be right only a third of the time.

They use terms such as firstborn, middle child and last-born. Unfortunately, all these terms seem to be easy to understand, they are not. I will try to explain the complexities that will help you find your answer and your perfect mate.

The first step is to find your “Real” birth order. For some it is their number of birth in the family. For others, seven or eight different factors will change their “Real” birth order number.

Let us start by looking at the basic five birth orders and some of the issues for each.


If you are an Only Child, your best match is a person with the same birth order of your most dominant parent. It could be any of the five basic birth orders.


Your best match is any lower sibling’s birth order in your family. Not true if you have been dethroned by a younger sibling. When this happens, you are no longer a Firstborn. Another factor, if your next sibling is four or more years younger, you have a Double Birth Order.

Second Born

Sometimes called the Middle Child. This term is meaningless if there are only two children or more than four children in the family. The second born should marry a Firstborn or anyone in a sibling position lower than themselves. If this second born dethroned the firstborn, they are no longer considered a second born. If the spacing between siblings or groups of siblings is 4 years or more they have Double Birth orders.

Third Born

Some psychologists refer to this position as the last born. Others see the Fourth born as the last in the sequence before it starts over with #5. The Third born should marry anyone in a sibling position older or younger than themselves. This works because they grew up understanding their siblings in these positions. Of course, if there are four or more years between siblings Double Birth order is in play.

Fourth Born

This is the true baby in the family. They should marry anyone with a birth order position higher than themselves.  As families get larger, there is a better chance for the 4-year gap to appear between siblings. This makes for Double Birth orders and more thought should go into what your “Real” birth order actually is.

Marrying someone with the Same Birth Order

This is one type of love at first sight. Can it work? Yes, but it is very difficult. Having such similar personalities is like a reflection in a mirror, only one image can appear and someone must get out of the picture for this union to work.


As you can see, Birth Order may and can be the answer to a successful union. Many other factors come into play to find your “Real” Birth order.  If you do this, you are looking at success. Nothing in life is as easy as it might first appear.


For more information about Birth Order and Double Birth Orders buy my book in both hardcover, audio and USB, formats.

LifesFingerprint: How Birth Order Affects Your Path Throughout Life  by Dr. Robert V.V. Hurst

www.lifesfingerprint.com  or www.mybirthorder.com

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

When Sibling Rivalry Affected an Entire Town The History of the Adidas and Puma Shoe Companies




Everyone is aware of the words Sibling Rivalry, the arguments between siblings. The earliest mention was between Cain and his brother Able.  This rivalry led to the extreme act of murder. Domestic violence can be the most dangerous and history proves it.  Can this animosity between siblings be so strong as to affect an entire town, where inhabitants take sides? Yes, it can and here is the story.

Sibling Rivalry

Traditional sibling rivalry occurs between the first two siblings.  The Second born wants to Dethrone the Firstborn and the Firstborn wants to hold onto the throne. The Firstborn has an edge up in school so usually the second born becomes the athlete.  These roles can change if there is a dethroning.  Because of sibling spacing this sibling rivalry can move down to younger siblings.

 Birth Oder of Two Brothers

 Herzogenaurach Germany was the hometown for the Dassler Brothers Rudolph the third born child, born in 1898 and Adolph the fourth born child, born in 1900. They also had two older siblings. Marie the second born child, in 1894 and Fritz the firstborn in 1892. Because there is a six-year difference between Marie and her third born younger brother Rudolph, it made two families within the family. This is one type of Double Birth order. Rudolph becomes the oldest child in the second family and receives a 1/3 birth order.  Adolph becomes the second born child in the second family and carries the Double birth orders of a 2/4. All reports show that the two boys were happy siblings with no real animosity. Although they had double birth orders, all the numbers were different.

The Changing Birth Order of the Brothers

As it happens in life, death can come to a sibling and that is exactly what happened to oldest brother Fitz.  He died in WWI. This happened when Rudolph was 20 and Adolph was 18.  Their birth orders now changed. Rudolph moves up one number to a 2/1 Double birth order and Adolph moves up to a 3/2 Double birth order. What has changed so dramatically is that with double birth orders, the recipient goes back and forth between his two birth orders and now with the death of Fritz they share the number 2 birth order. When they are both expressing the #2 birth order, the struggle between the brothers would be intense.

Early Years

When the boys were young Adolph, called Adi, played many different sports. This would have matched both his #4 and #2 birth orders. It was then that he realized that the same shoes used for all sports was not the best and he started developing different shoes for different sports. When both boys returned from WWI Adi set up a shoe factory in his mother’s bathroom. Two years later, Adi the innovator took care of the technical aspects, his genius was adding spikes to shoes. Two years later Rudi joined him and did the sales and marketing.

Olympics 1936

This was their breakthrough year; many of the athletes wore these newly invented shoes and won Olympic medals Jesse Owens won all four gold medals wearing Dassler’s shoes. Their sales skyrocketed.


Both boys were members of the Nazi party when the war started, Rudolph was drafted; he suspected his brother Adi and his wife had schemed to get him sent to the front. This allowed Adi to stay home to run the company. Later, Rudi was arrested on suspicion of working with the Gestapo and spent a year behind bars by the Allies. Adi got a deferment as he switched his factory from shoes to making weapons. Rudolph could not forgive him, as he had to serve in the war and not is brother Adi. Tensions elevated between the two boys. They all lived in the same house.  Adi and his family on the first floor, Rudolph and his family on the second floor and their parents on the third floor. There was also tension between the wives’. Adi married the daughter of the most successful shoe manufacturer in Germany, she was an Only child. This is the true CEO of a company and although a woman, she took the reins and was resented by Rudolph’s wife. The story is told that during a bombing attack Rudolph and his family got to the bomb shelter first.  When Adi and his family arrived Adi said, “The dirty bastards are back” referring to the enemy fighters but Rudolph thought he was talking about his family. Nothing could change his mind.

After the War a Town Divided

It was time to split up the company in 1948.  Adi formed “Adidas” and Rudolph took his half of the business to the other side of the Aurach River and opened Ruda shoes later calling it “Puma”. This also split the town in half with each side of the river supporting their respective companies. The two companies became the dominate employers of the town with nearly everyone working for one company or the other. The town was divided into warring factions that lasted 60 years. This went so far as bakeries, bars, and sports clubs. The towns’ people were always looking down at people’s shoes to tell which brother they supported. This also affected the people and their interpersonal relationships. Dating and marrying across company lines was forbidden.

The Brothers Die

Rudolf was the first to die in 1974. Younger brother Adolf died in 1978 and requested in his Will to be buried as far away from his brother as possible. Sibling rivalry lasts to the end.

The Town and Companies Live on

In 1987, Horst Dassler sold Adidas to the French industrialist Bernard Tapie. Rudolph’s sons sold 72% of the Puma Company to Cosa Liebermann. Without the two brothers, the town has slowly outlived the sibling rivalry. The feud died in 2009 when employees of both companies played a friendly soccer match.


For more information about Birth Order, specifically Double Birth Order buy my Book Life’s Fingerprint: How Birth Order Affects Your Path Throughout Life, by Dr. Robert V.V. Hurst or the Audio book on USB for your computer at:  www.mybirthorder.com or www.lifesfingerprint.com

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Directory of Blogs For Double Birth Order Blog Site


See categories and find date posted following blog title


Birth Order Theory

The Positive and Negative Expressions of Birth Order Traits. How People with the same Birth Orders can appear so different.  3-21-2012

Matching Your Career Path to Your Birth Order  6-21-2012

Can Birth Order be a Predictor of Presidential Elections?  12-3-2012

Ann Landers and Dear Abby: Twins with Double Birth Orders  1-21-2013

Birth Order Books and Tee Shirts  6-26-2019

Life’s Fingerprint-Birth Order books for sale  9-11-2019

Why use Birth Order for successful Team Building? 9-8-2017

Team Building: How to find Double Birth Order’s  9-11-2017

The Heartless Murder of Nettie Sachs  2-23-2018

Your Birth Order: How will you Spend Your Tax Refund  3-23-2013

Birth Order: Graduation and Career Paths  8-14-2013

The Koch Brothers A Study in Birth Order  10-15-2014

Is Anyone Out There?  11-17-2011


Finding Your “REAL” Birth Order

Why You Should Learn About Birth Order  1-5-2019

10 Reasons Why YOU should Learn About Birth Order  6-5-2019

Eight Questions to Find Your Real Birth Order  4-3-2011

7 Questions to determine your REAL birth order Question #1  6-5-2019                  

7 Questions to determine your REAL birth order Questions #2-#7  6-5-2019

Double Birth Order  11-3-2010

How Do You Get a Double Birth Order?  11-11-2010


Birth Order and Family

Playing the Birth Order Game: Surviving Your Family during the Holidays              11-27-2014

Playing the Birth Order Game on Thanksgiving   11-6-2019

How to Plan Your Family using Birth Order   12-10-2019

How to Survive Your Family during the Holidays: Understand Birth Order             12-3-2010

Unmasking Your Ancestors using Birth Order  4-6-2012

Why do I fight with my brother or sister? Sibling Rivalry  1-17-2020

Does your Child have the Magic ingredient to be on the Silver Screen? 1-20-21



Royal Wedding for Prince William and Kate Middleton  11-16-2010

The Double Birth Order of Bing Crosby: A Four/Two  1-2-2011

Genius or Birth Oder? Zuckerberg, Gates, and Buffett their common characteristics.   1-8-2011

 John Stewart- The Second Born with Attitude  2=9=2011

 Charlie Sheen: A Third Born out of control  3-4-2011

 The Double Birth Order of Glenn Beck  3-15-2011

The Birth Order of the Kardashian Family   6-22-2011

Tom Cruise- Mimi, Nicole & Katie : Their Birth Orders  7-23-2012

The Baldwin Brothers and Sisters: Their Birth Orders  8-9-2012

Honey Boo Boo Her Double Birth Order 9-13-2012

Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux a Birth Order Match?  9-30-2012

Less Miles and Nick Saban Coach’s with different Birth Orders  11-9-2012

Shirley Temple Black: An Only/Three Double Birth Order  2-20-2014

The Double Birth Order of Robin Williams  8-12-2014

Joan Rivers a #2 Birth Order that was in Control  9-14-2014

George Clooney his Birth Order and Marriages  10-28-201

Brian Williams: Unmasking his Double Birth Order  2-12-2015

Does Rihanna have a Double Birth Order?  4-24-2015

Celebrity Personalities Unmasked: Kardashian, Trump, Oprah, Putin, Beck, Rubio, Cruz and Bernie Sanders 2-12-2016

Megyn Kelly: Exposing her Double Birth Order  7-3-2017

Colin Kaepernick: His Birth Order reveals his Behavior  8-29-2017

Rachel Maddow Her Birth Order: A study in Sibling Rivalry  2-19-2018

Mr. Rogers: His Double Birth Order Tells his Story!  6-10-2018

John “Cougar” Mellencamp His Birth Order- sibling Rivalry  8-10-2018

Rosie O’Donnell a Third Born Birth Order   8-16-2018

Aretha Louise Franklin: Her Double Birth Order Tells her Story  9-16-2018

RuPaul Drag Queen Pop Star has a Double Birth Order  10-8-2018

Penny Marshall: Revealed by her Double Birth Order   1-11-2019

Laurel and Hardy the Magic when Double Birth Orders Match  1-20-2019

Rodney Dangerfield: How Birth Order Affected his Life  10-29-2021

Meghan Merkle, Suzanne Somers, Penny Marshall, Dr. Phil, Shirley Temple: The Three/Only Birth Order  7-15-2022

Jackie Gleason: A Look at his Birth Order   2-10-202



Pelosi & Boehner House Speakers   11-7-2010

Why President Obama will not admit a mistake and change course. 11-8-2010

Congressman Paul Ryan   11-15-2010

Charles Rangel his Double Birth Order and why he won’t step down.  11-15-2010

Who is Sarah Palin and why she is so Darn Happy.   11-21-2010

Tom Delay Texas ex-Congressman the stubborn #2   12-7-2010

Presidents Obama and Clinton a Study in Double Birth Order’s  12-11-2010

Congressman Paul Ryan to Reply to State of the Union  1-21-2011

Donald Trump a Most Unusual Double Birth Order  4=30=2011

Eric Holder the Overachieving First Born.   10-20-2011

Birth Orders of Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Huntsman, Paul, Perry, Romney and Santorum  11-27-2011

Richard Nixon: How Birth Order Affected his life  2-13-2023

Who will Mitt Romney pick as his running Mate?  Birth Order will answer this question.  4-13-2012

Obama Biden Romney and Ryan Double Birth Order’s   8-15-2012

The Double Birth Order of Senator Harry Reid   1-17-2013

Robert Gates former Secretary of Defense: His Double Birth Order  1-31-2014

Putin and Obama a matter of Birth Order   4-19-2014

Unmasking Benjamin Netanyahu    8-15-2014

Hillary Clinton: Unmasking Her Personality with Birth Order   6-17-2015

Tim Kane and Mike Pence: Their Birth Orders   7-26-2016

Presidential Advisors Valerie Jarrett and Kellyanne Conway   9-25-2017

Judge Roy Moore His Birth Order defines Him   11-20-2017

John McCain: His Birth Order Makes Him the Maverick Senator  1-8-2018

Border Wall or Birth Order A Look At Pelosi Schumer and Trump   1-12-2019


Historical Figures

The Double Birth Order of John Wilkes Booth Lincoln’s Assassin   3-24-2015

Doc Holliday: His Birth Order will unmask him   2-15-2023

When Sibling Rivalry Affected an Entire Town: The History of the Adidas and Puma Shoe Companies 3-19-24


In The News

Robert Durst: Sibling Rivalry and Birth Order   4-15-2015

James Comey: His Birth Order Explains his Actions   1-27-2017

Steve Bannon: Unmasking his Double Birth Order   8-23-2017

George Soros: A tale of Two Brothers Sibling Rivalry  10-25-2017

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Their Birth Orders  1-18-2018

Petraeus, Broadwell and the Tampa Twins: A Birth Order Analysis  1-4-2013

Kim Yo-Jong Her Birth Order Unmasks Her  3-26-2018

Understanding Kim Jong-un and his Double Birth Order 4-15-2013

Edward Snowden The Influence of Birth Order   1-20-2014

Can You Guess Joe Exotic’s Birth Order?     4-21-2020

Jussie Smollett: His Birth Order Unmasks Him   4-4-2019

Michael Avenatti  His Double Birth Order    7-29-2021

Kim Jong-Il what can happen when a #2 is elevated to an #1 position.  3-2-2011


Finding That Special Someone

Love at First Sight: Finding Your Partner  7-31-2019

Valentine Day: Birth Order will find Your Perfect Match  2-11-2015

Birth Order will help you Find your Perfect Match  2-13-2013

Understanding Birth Order to Find Your Perfect Mate  7-7-2011


Sibling Rivalry

Why do I fight with my brother or sister? Sibling Rivalry  1-17-2020

Rachel Maddow Her Birth Order: A study in Sibling Rivalry  2-19-2018

John “Cougar” Mellencamp His Birth Order- sibling Rivalry  8-10-2018

Anthony Weiner: His Birth Order another view.  6-8-2011

George Soros: A tale of Two Brothers Sibling Rivalry  10-25-2017

Robert Durst: Sibling Rivalry and Birth Order   4-15-2015

Kim Jong-Il what can happen when a #2 is elevated to an #1 position.  3-2-2011

When Sibling Rivalry Affected an Entire Town: The History of the Adidas and Puma Shoe Companies 3-19-24


Double Birth Orders

Ann Landers and Dear Abby: Twins with Double Birth Orders  1-21-2013

Team Building: How to find Double Birth Order’s  9-11-2017

Double Birth Order  11-3-2010

How Do You Get a Double Birth Order?  11-11-2010

The Double Birth Order of Bing Crosby: A Four/Two  1-2-2011

The Double Birth Order of Glenn Beck  3-15-2011

Honey Boo Boo Her Double Birth Order 9-13-2012

Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux a Birth Order Match?  9-30-2012

Shirley Temple Black: An Only/Three Double Birth Order  2-20-2014

The Double Birth Order of Robin Williams  8-12-2014

Brian Williams: Unmasking his Double Birth Order  2-12-2015

Does Rihanna have a Double Birth Order?  4-24-2015

Megyn Kelly: Exposing her Double Birth Order  7-3-2017

Colin Kaepernick: His Birth Order reveals his Behavior  8-29-2017

Mr. Rogers: His Double Birth Order Tells his Story!  6-10-2018

Aretha Louise Franklin: Her Double Birth Order Tells her Story  9-16-2018

RuPaul Drag Queen Pop Star has a Double Birth Order  10-8-2018

Penny Marshall: Revealed by her Double Birth Order   1-11-2019

Laurel and Hardy the Magic when Double Birth Orders Match  1-20-2019

Meghan Merkle, Suzanne Somers, Penny Marshall, Dr. Phil, Shirley Temple: The Three/Only Birth Order  7-15-2022

Why President Obama will not admit a mistake and change course. 11-8-2010

Congressman Paul Ryan   11-15-2010

Charles Rangel his Double Birth Order and why he won’t step down.  11-15-2010

Presidents Obama and Clinton a Study in Double Birth Order’s  12-11-2010

Congressman Paul Ryan to Reply to State of the Union  1-21-2011

Donald Trump a Most Unusual Double Birth Order  4=30=2011

Who will Mitt Romney pick as his running Mate?  Birth Order will answer this question.  4-13-2012

Obama Biden Romney and Ryan Double Birth Order’s   8-15-2012

The Double Birth Order of Senator Harry Reid   1-17-2013

Putin and Obama a matter of Birth Order   4-19-2014

The Double Birth Order of John Wilkes Booth Lincoln’s Assassin   3-24-2015

Doc Holliday: His Birth Order will unmask him   2-15-2023

When Sibling Rivalry Affected an Entire Town: The History of the Adidas and Puma Shoe Companies 3-19-24

Steve Bannon: Unmasking his Double Birth Order   8-23-2017

George Soros: A tale of Two Brothers Sibling Rivalry  10-25-2017

Kim Yo-Jong Her Birth Order Unmasks Her  3-26-2018

Understanding Kim Jong-un and his Double Birth Order 4-15-2013

Michael Avenatti  His Double Birth Order    7-29-2021